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Tiger gave his wife $300 million as Christmas gift

나 그 네 2010. 1. 5. 12:26

타이거 우즈, 3억달러를 크리스마스 선물로 아내에게 전달

타이거 우즈의 아내 엘렌 노더그렌이 친구들에게 우즈의 크리스마스 선물을 자랑하고 있다고 한다. 뉴욕 데일리 뉴스에 따르면 우즈는 그의 아내에게 3억불에 달하는 수표를 선물했다고 한다. 아직 우즈의 정신상태가 아이들과 만나기엔 좋지 않다고 판단한 노더그렌은 우즈를 아이들 근처에 오는걸 허락하지 않았고, 아빠의 크리스마스 선물을 우편으로 받아서 아이들에게 전했다고 한다. 이 커플은 지난주 연말을 럭셔리하게 따로따로 보냈다고 한다. 노더그렌은 프랑스 스키 리조트에서 자신의 30번째 생일을 친구들과 맞이했고, 우즈는 뉴욕에서 한 금발여인을 동행하여 스위트룸에 머물며 무려 20병의 보드카를 룸서비스로 주문했다고 한다.

Tiger Woods’wife has told her friends that her husband left a $300 million check in her stocking for Christmas. According to NY Daily News, when Elin Nordegren’s friends asked her what Tiger got her for Christmas, she said, "Three hundred million dollars, thank you very much."

News of the World's report said it is all part of the plan to get hers and keep the two children in a divorce battle.

"She's 100% determined to split with Tiger," the source told the tabloid. "When she boasted of the '$300 million Christmas gift' and then laughed, it was clear to everyone around her that she's more focused than ever about moving on with her life."

NY Daily News said the golfer has not seen his children - Sam, 2, and 10-month-old Charlie - for more than a month. He had to mail them their Christmas presents.

Elin feels that Tiger isn't mentally well enough to spend time with her or the kids," the source said. "Tiger wanted to see them for Christmas, but Elin went away skiing at a secret location in California and then fled to France for more snow and space."

The couple had spent wild weekend, of course separately. The article said Nordegren spent luxurious few days at France’s Chamonix ski resort while celebrating her 30th birthday on Friday. Woods was staying in the Trump International Hotel in New York City. The article said he was accompanied by a blond woman and stayed in a $2,200-a-night, seventh floor suite. A source told NY Daily that Woods ordered 16 cases of Red Bull and 20 bottles of Absolute Vodka delivered in his room.