Natural science /수 학

이안 스튜어트가 세상을 바꾼 18 방정식

나 그 네 2020. 12. 15. 12:51

18 Equations That changed the world by Ian stewart


18 Equations That changed the world by Ian stewart

1. pythagoras’s Theorem Pythagoras, 530 BC
2. Logarithms John Napier, 1960
3. Calculus Newton, 1668
4. Law of Gravity Newton, 1687
5. The square Root of Minus One Euler, 1750
6. Euler’s Formula for Polyhedra Euler, 1951
7. Normal Distribution C.F. Gauss, 1810
8. Wave Equation J.d’Almbert, 1746
9. Fourier Transform J. Fourier, 1822
10. Navier-stokes Equation C.Navier, G. Stokes,1845
11. MAxwell’s Equations J.C Maxwell, 1865
12. Second Law of Thermodynamics L. Boltzmann, 1874
13. Relativity Einstein, 1905
14. Schrodinger’s Equation E. Schrodinger, 1927
15. Information Theory C. Shannon, 1949
16. Chaos Theory Robert May, 1975
17. Black-Scholes Equation F.Black, M. Scholes,1990
18. Photoshop Theorem     crtl + ( C )  => crtl + ( V )    Adobe, 1990


Equations That changed the world by Ian stewart


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