
힌국 윤석열대통령은 역술가는 날 통제 할 수 없다고 주장하고 있습니다.

나 그 네 2023. 3. 6. 00:22

Soothsayer doesn’t control me, claims South Korea president Yoon Suk-yeol

Richard Lloyd Parry, Asia Editor

Wednesday February 22 2023, 2.40pm GMT,

The Times

Cheongong has been a mentor of the president for years


President Yoon of South Korea is suing for libel over claims that he was influenced by a Rasputin-like soothsayer in his decision to abandon the presidential palace, his latest effort to quell rumours that his political judgement is clouded by superstition.


Yoon has brought criminal libel complaints against seven people, including journalists, an MP and former spokesman for the defence ministry, who claimed that a self-styled prophet known as Cheongong was involved in the relocation of the presidential office and residence after three-quarters of a century.



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윤대통은 언론인, 국회의원 그리고 전 국방부 대변인을 포함한 7명의 사람들을 형사상 명예훼손으로 고소했는데, 그들은 천공이라고 알려진 자칭 예언자가 4분의 3세기 후 청와대와 관저의 이전에 관여했다고 주장했습니다.