Natural science /인체기행

Elements in the Human Body and What They Do

나 그 네 2020. 2. 5. 19:37

Elements in the Human Body and What They Do

Ninety-nine percent of the mass of the human body is made up of only six chemical elements: oxygen, carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, calcium, and phosphorus. Every organic molecule contains carbon. Since 65 to 90 percent of each body cell consists of water (by weight), it isn't surprising that oxygen and hydrogen are major components of the body.


Liquid oxygen

nikamata / Getty Images

Oxygen is present in water and other compounds. This element is necessary for respiration. You will find it in the lungs because about 20% of the air you breathe is oxygen. Oxygen accounts for about 65% of the mass of the human body.



Akepong Srichaichana / EyeEm /Getty Images

Carbon is found in every organic molecule in the body. The reason it forms the basis for organic life is that each carbon atom offers four sites for chemical bonding and allows new bonds to be formed or broken without expending too much energy. This makes carbon a good building block, particularly for long polymeric molecules.

Carbon is ingested through the food we eat and the air we breathe. The element accounts for 18.6% of the total mass of the human body. When we exhale, we expel carbon in the form of carbon dioxide.


Hydrogen atoms, the stuff from which stars are made
Stocktrek / Getty Images

Hydrogen is a component of the water molecules in the body, as well as most other compounds. It is the third most abundant element in the human body.


Liquid nitrogen looks like boiling water
Science Photo Library / Getty Images

Nitrogen is a component of proteins, nucleic acids, and other organic compounds. It makes up about 3% of the body's mass.

Nitrogen gas is found in the lungs since most of the air you breathe consists of this element. The human body cannot use this nitrogen, though. You need to eat foods that contain it to obtain this element in a usable form.


Calcium in a protective Argon Atmosphere

Matthias Zepper / Wikimedia Commons / Public Domain

Calcium is a major component of the skeletal system, as it's found in bones and teeth. Calcium accounts for 1.5% of the body's mass.

Calcium is also found in the nervous system, muscles, and the blood where it is integral to proper membrane function, conducting nerve impulses and regulating muscle contractions and blood clotting.


Phosphorus is in every cell nucleus
Bet_Noire / Getty Images

Phosphorus is found in the nucleus of every cell. About 1% of the human body consists of phosphorus.

Phosphorus is part of nucleic acids, energy compounds, and phosphate buffers. The element is incorporated into the bones, where it combines with other elements such as iron, potassium, sodium, magnesium, and calcium. Phosphorus is necessary for sexual function and reproduction, muscle growth, and the delivery of nutrients to the nerves.


Raw potassium
Helmut Feil / Getty Images

Potassium is primarily found in the muscles and nerves as an ion. The body is made up of 0.25% potassium.

Potassium is important for membrane function, nerve impulses, and muscle contractions. Potassium cations are found in cellular cytoplasm. The electrolyte helps to attract oxygen and remove toxins from tissues.


Rock salt crystals (sodium chloride)

Douglas Sacha / Getty Images

Sodium is essential for proper nerve and muscle function. It is excreted in perspiration. The human body is about 0.15% sodium.


An illustration of chlorine

Chlorine aids in cellular absorption of water. It is the major anion in body fluids. Chlorine accounts for approximately 0.15% of the body.

Chlorine is a part of hydrochloric acid, which is used to digest food. It is involved in proper cell membrane function.


Magnesium accounts for 0.05% of body weight
Andy Crawford & Tim Ridley / Getty Images

Magnesium is a cofactor for enzymes in the body. It is a trace element, present at around 0.05% abundance. Although it makes up only a small part of the human body, magnesium is necessary for strong teeth and bones.


Museum minerl series: Native sulphur from Sicily, Italy. 9cm across.
MarcelC / Getty Images

Sulfur is a component of many amino acids and proteins, which are necessary for muscle growth. About 0.25% of human body mass is sulfur.


Iron is found in hemoglobin
Mitsuru Sakurai / Getty Images

Iron is a trace element, accounting for about 0.006% of human body mass. It is found in hemoglobin, where it acts as an oxygen carrier. The metal is important for metabolism as well.

Other Elements

Copper minning ore

ElementalImaging / Getty Images

There are 12 minerals deemed essential for proper human nutrition: calcium, iron, phosphorus, iodine, magnesium, zinc, selenium, copper, manganese, chromium, molybdenum, and chlorine. Sodium, potassium, and sulfur are also essential but aren't categorized in the same group by the FDA.

Zinc (0.0032% of the human body) forms what are called "zinc fingers" in proteins, which regulate genes. Copper (0.0001%) acts as an electron donor, helping iron function properly.

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