Natural science /인체기행

The Humane body

나 그 네 2022. 4. 27. 10:12

The Human body (인간의 몸, 인체)


water : 62%

protein : 16%

Fat : 16%

Minerals : 6%

Carbohydrate : 1%


Oxygen(O) 65%

Carbon(C) 18%

Hydrogen(H) 9.5%

Nitrogen(N) 3.2%

Calcium(Ca) 1.5%

Phosphorus(P) 1.2%

Potassium(K) 0.4%

Sulfur(S) 0.2%

Sodium(Na) 0.2%

Chlorine(Cl) 0.2%

Magnesium(Mg) 0.1%

Other >1% (less than 1%)


human body inforgapic - Bing images


human body inforgapic - Bing

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